Documents for Keyword: Rothwell Bay wharves (original)
2022.009.2.57 Airplane dock, Nakusp
2022.009.2.56 Waterfront, dredge
2022.009.2.55 Waterfront, Nakusp, March 1965
2022.009.2.54 Nakusp waterfront, March 1965
2022.009.2.53 Nakusp waterfront, March 1965
2022.009.2.52 Waterfront, Nakusp, March 1965
2014.003.7659 1968
2014.003.5269 Nakusp 1960s
2014.003.4767 Rothwell Bay, about 1950
2018.040.50.5 Bird’s-eye view, Nakusp
994.011.2 Aerial pic of Celgar office before flooding the lake 1968-69
2014.003.1263 Nakusp, 1950s
2018.027.1.11 Aircraft at Nakusp 10.9.59
2018.012.11 1961
2015.003.1.1 Nakusp
2009.004.162 Nakusp Waterfront, Hydro clearing, 1968.
2008.012.73 Nakusp, 1950s
2004.026.5 Govt dredge