Documents for Keyword: Oxenham; Mildred (LaRue)
2014.003.7274 Oxenham picnic
2014.003.4793 United Church outing to Nakusp Hot Springs
2014.003.3698 Mildred LaRue, Marion James, Madge White, Kay McDougald
2014.003.2942 LaRue family
2014.003.2793 Tom Fulkco’s birthday party, 1936
2018.040.48.6 Wedding, Ernie & Mildred (LaRue) Oxenham
2018.040.48.5 1928 Mildred (age 17) & mother Mary LaRue out for a Sleigh ride
2018.040.48.4 1923 Robert LaRue family out for a sleigh ride.
2018.040.48.3 1917 Robert Henderson LaRue and family.
2018.040.48.2 1912 Robert Henderson LaRue family celebrating the birth of new baby Mildred
2011.004.28 Glenbank School
2000.035.54 Glenbank School kids
2016.003.26 Rhuie Hamer, et al.
2003.026.25 Horsley House
2014.003.599 Glenbank School kids
2013.011.1.9 Mildred & Joy Oxenham