Documents for Keyword: 1930s
2014.003.6644 Halls Landing School, 1936, Sidmouth, B.C.
2014.003.6643 Frank and Michalina Despot, Joseph and Frances
2014.003.6637 Nellie Michels
2014.003.6636 Vera Michels (Shaw)
2014.003.6635 Fischer second house circa 1937
2014.003.6630 Haying on Fischer farm 1935
2014.003.6629 Alex Masson, Rosemarie
2014.003.6628 Picnic at Hall’s Ldg. 1935
2004.026.19 A Happy Christmas Mother from E. & W. 1939
2004.026.18 Mr & Mrs O.C. Jowett John, Kathleen and Betty Belle Jowett 1930
2014.003.6617 Jack Michels.
2014.003.6615 Peggy Michels, this dress was made of paper
2014.003.6613 McKay Childern. Burnie, Elmer (Boys), Emily, Alice (Girls)
2014.003.6605 Booey Evans, Jim Crawford, Sonny Evans, Dorie Evans
2014.003.6600 Arrowhead kids, 1930s
2014.003.6541 Teddy mine crew
2014.003.6522 Haying, 1930s, J. Olson farm, Galena Bay
2014.003.6520 Winnie Olson, 1930s, hauling hay