Documents for Keyword: 1900s
2015.028.11 Ruth Reid
2014.026.527 Anne and Rose Williams
2014.026.526 Men and women clearing land with workhorses
2014.026.524 The ‘Novel Outing’ party pauses to inspect the world famous Nettie-L mine, August 28, 1900
2014.026.523 Camborne canyon bridge
2014.026.495 Crawford Tram Co. of Nelson, B.C. taking one and one-eighth inch cable to the Silver Dollar Mine. Length of Cable 3600 ft. Weight of Cable 7600 ft.
2014.026.483 Queens Hotel
2006.012.1 Hindoo Cremation at Arrowhead, B.C.
2005.033.1 “Arrowhead” B.C. 1905
2000.002.3 Arrowhead about 1906
2000.002.2 Arrowhead about 1906
2000.002.1 Arrowhead about 1906
986.100.7 Ferguson B.C. 1901
2014.048.18 Minto docking at Edgewood…..a long time ago!
Louise’s Ma & Dad 1st home – about 1909
2016.006.15 Doris Lena Bowes
2013.045.21 These are Clarence Wilbur’s children . all born in Wisconsin before immigrating to Edgewood