Documents for Creator: Kinette Club of Nakusp
2006. Cameron Leitch, Kinette Fashion Show 1963
2006. Kinette Club of Nakusp initiation, 1980s
2006. Kinette Club of Nakusp initiation, 1980s
2006. Kinette Club of Nakusp initiation, 1980s
2006. Kinette Club of Nakusp initiation, 1980s
2006. Bob Murphy (Klondyke Night)
2006. Flo & Pete Hurry (Klondyke Night)
2006. Nola/Doug Gardner (Klondyke Night)
2006. Century Sue and Sam
2006. 1969-70
2006. Arty Delores
2006. Our Project Display
2006. Guess Who?
2006. Andy – at it again!
2006. We fed our hungry men.
2006. Dismantling Celgar Shop to raise area funds. Spring /69