Documents for Keyword: Schiedel; Hilda (Grundstrom)
2014.003.4251 Schiedels, Harlows, Horsleys
2014.003.4250 Harlows
2014.003.4043 Mrs. Schiedel group
2014.003.3655 L.H. Rawling’s Fifth Annual Party, Nakusp, B.C., April 10/29.
2014.003.1543 Olsons & Schiedels 1959
2017.021.21 K of P Grand Chiefs Visit
2005.026.43 Pythian Sisters Banquet, K.P. Hall Nakusp.
2000.016.3 K of P Grand Chiefs Visit
993.011.9 taken May 4th 1956.
2001.037.81 Pythian Sisters Convention, Grand Chief, Nakusp B.C.
2001.037.80 Pythian Sisters, Nakusp, K.P. Hall
2003.026.46 Schiedels’ wedding
2014.003.188 Wedding at Brouse
2014.003.183 Building barn at Crescent Bay