Documents for Keyword: Nelson; John
2017.020.39 Dad, Bud Allardyce & wife
2017.020.30 John Nelson, Dinny the Dinosaur
2017.020.10 Nelsons and Mauchlines, Galena Bay
2010.030.1 John Nelson
2000.019.2 Mrs. Lana A. Blondin and John Nelson at the Cottage Blondin’s Point 1937
2009.004.77 Copy of display advertising placard for Mrs. Kate Johnson’s book “Pioneer Days of Nakusp and the Arrow Lakes” at Arrowhead, December and January.
2003.026.290 St Leon Hot Springs Hotel on April 4th 1938.
2002.006.13 Nelson farm
2002.006.11 Showing Walter S. Nelson, Aged 13 months
2002.006.4.169 John Nelson, St. Leon Hot Springs
2001.037.349 Believe to be the first steam powered tug built at Arrowhead
2003.026.219 Beaton at Beaton or Galena Bay
2003.026.195 Our home at Galena Bay
2017.022.28 John (granddad) & John Nelson Galena Bay 1923
2017.022.27 John & Agnes Nelson
2002.006.4.159 John Nelson, Galena Bay, Christmas