Documents for Keyword: Nakusp & Slocan Railway
1997.002.22 SS Bonnington
1997.002.19 SS Columbia, SS Minto, SS Bonnington
1997.002.16 C.P.R. Depot at Nakusp, B.C. about 1897
1997.002.15 Nakusp Dominion Day 1914 at the time of the first train to come from Kaslo.
1997.002.14 1920 (took this on a trip to Nakusp)
1997.002.11 House which was built for the superintendent
2001.037.95 1948 flood
2001.037.94 1948 flood
2001.037.93 1948 flood, CPR Station
995.001.2 June 12 1948
995.001.1 Arrow Lake flood conditions in C.P.R. yard, Nakusp, June 12 1948
2001.037.258 Salstrom, Water Tower Brouse
2001.037.245 L.J. Edwards agent, 1912
2001.037.203 C.P.R. Depot – Nakusp, B.C.
2001.037.202 Nakusp BC. – 3
2001.037.59 Beau Vista Motel
2001.037.49 Wreck of Rossland, 1917, Nakusp
2001.037.45 Nakusp, B.C.
2001.037.40 Columbia & Bonnington at shipyard ways about 1940
2001.037.39 S.S. Minto, CPR wharf, Nakusp, 1940s