Documents for Keyword: Grace Avenue
2017.034.137 Pam & Hazel 1939
2017.034.107 Nakusp July 1, 1939
2005.026.17 Bud Vogl 1953
2002.022.2 2nd Skating Rink Nakusp 1952.
2001.037.70 Rink
2001.037.67 Nakusp Rink 50s
2001.026.23 Alice & Nellie Humphris, Humphris Blacksmith
2000.035.23 Humphris blacksmith shop Nak.
2000.016.4 Fire north of Nakusp, Kuskanax Mtn.
2011.023.92 Outside Mcfee’s house. (Mr. Watson with Laddie.)
2001.037.382 Pat Beingessner ‘Bug’
2003.026.105 Collapsed Dec 21st 1953. This new skating rink was never used
2008.012.56 Building 2nd Rink circa 1951-52, Nakusp.
2014.003.2416 Prof. Allen house
2014.003.830 1952. Geo. Keys, Ralph Islip
1999.009.1.36 St. John’s, Grace Ave.
1999.009.1.35 St. John’s, Grace Ave.
2014.003.657 June 1958, turning sod, new United Church, Mrs. Allen’s property
2012.003.1327 Art Berard