Documents for Keyword: Crowell; Joe
2014.003.8430 Joe Crowell 1962
2014.003.4373 Buerge Garage
2014.003.4009 Joe Crowell on return from France, 1918
2014.003.3444 J.S. Crowell, Undertaker and Embalmer, Nakusp, B.C.
2014.003.3174 Crowell’s carpenter shop
2014.003.1455 Crowell pre-emption, 60 acres, 5 miles above Nakusp, about 1909
2014.003.1453 Mr. Joe Crowell family, Glenbank
2014.003.1445 Joe Crowell’s log house, Glenbank about 1908
2014.003.1444 Crowells, old bridge on Shakespeare Ave.
2014.003.1443 Crowell family
2014.003.1137 “Nakusp Boys”, (serving with) 54th Ky. Batt. C.E.F. (Vernon B.C. 1915)
2000.035.30.10 Diamond Jubilee
2000.003.10 Beard contest, July 1st 1952, Nakusp
2000.003.9 July 1st 1952 Beard Growing Contest
978.23.2 “Nakusp Boys.” (serving with) 54th Ky. Batt. C.E.F. (Vernon, B.C. 1915)
2001.023.84 Nakusp, B.C. – 82
2004.011.1 Broadway Looking West – Nakusp, B.C.
2014.003.1039 Nakusp. Loading Flatcars at The Pole Yard
2014.003.648 Joe & Alice Crowell
2014.003.585 Joe Crowell ranch, Glenbank