Documents for Keyword: Cowan; Elizabeth (Goupille)
2022.014.3.1 Old-Timers Re-Union, Nakusp, B.C., May 25 & 26, 1925.
2022.009.2.46 Nakusp Pioneers
2014.003.4214 Old Timers Reunion Group, at Nakusp, B.C. May 25 & 26, 1925
2014.003.4213 Old Timers Reunion Group, at Nakusp, B.C. May 25 & 26, 1925
2014.003.4212 Old Timers Reunion Group, at Nakusp, B.C. May 25 & 26, 1925
2004.009.9 Old-Timers Re-Union, Nakusp, B.C., May 25 & 26, 1925.
2014.003.3655 L.H. Rawling’s Fifth Annual Party, Nakusp, B.C., April 10/29.
2014.003.2752 Elizabeth Cowan
2014.003.1558 Bert Herridge, 1952, July 1st
2012.032.1 Eastern Star
2003.026.48 At Nakusp
2019.026.17 Concert Group
2000.035.64 Dressed in Centennial costume, Mrs Cowan
2000.035.30.10 Diamond Jubilee
2000.016.2 1952 Nakusp dedication & planting of spruce tree
2000.003.11 1952 tree planting, Nakusp Courthouse
1997.002.72 A group of old-timers at Nakusp, B.C.
2014.003.2194 1st July Nakusp
2014.003.525 Mrs. Cowan & Mrs. McDougald