Documents for Keyword: 1910s
2014.003.4640 Mary Robins before she was married, some of the Keffers
2014.003.4629 Comaplix School 1913-14
2014.003.4628 Dora Monteith (Millar)
2014.003.4627 Ernie Henderson, Comaplix, 1915
2014.003.4624 Chandlers
2014.003.4614 Mrs. Hollington & husband
2014.003.4561 Large cedar tree at Summit Lake, 1912.
2014.003.4560 Mr. T.W. Allshouse, et al.
2014.003.4559 Norwegians at Summit Lake, 1912
2014.003.4558 Breaking up Winter Camp in the spring of 1913 and coming down to the mill.
2014.003.4555 The mill at Summit Lake.
2014.003.4553 Mill Crew, Nov, 8th, 1913, Summit Lake Lbr. Co.
2014.003.4550 Joe Riley, Wm. Chaluk, Summit
2014.003.4548 Mrs. Reilly, et al.
2014.003.4546 Walter Maxwell
2014.003.4532 Baby Mr. Gilker, born Aug 2, 1911
2014.003.4528 Picnic at Brouse School, 1917
2014.003.4525 Sleepy Hollow School 1912
2014.003.4523 Dept. of Highways crew, Edgewood
2014.003.4522 Williams family