Documents for Keyword: The Cobbles (Ford house)
2024.21.117 Ford House
2024.21.116 Ford House
2024.21.115 Ford House
2024.21.114 Ford House
2024.21.113 Ford women
2024.21.110 Alice Ford at the Cobbles
2024.21.96 the Ford family
2024.21.23 Ford House in autumn
2024.21.22 Ford House
2022.025.045 View of St Agnes Edgewood about 1950
2004.026.20 St Agnes Anglican Church, The Cobbles, Williams Home.
2014.003.5256 Mr. James Ford home in old Edgewood
2016.005.289 ‘Old’ Edgewood from Lake
2016.013.1.64 The Fords’ home.
2015.028.159 Ford’s place, old Edgewood
2014.026.108 The Cobbles, August-September 1966
2014.026.107 The Cobbles, August-September 1966
2014.026.106 The Cobbles, August-September 1966
991.003.3.5 Edgewood 1921, Mr. Ford’s House (Anglican church)
2014.048.17 Old Edgewood