Documents for Keyword: Slocan Avenue
2014.003.2922 Broadway, Nakusp, 1924
2014.003.2890 Sleigh hill, Vinalls, Les Oram car?
2014.003.2811 Cenotaph, cost $2000
2014.003.2804 Prevent Forest Fires (Cyril Evans)
2014.003.2776 Abriel chicken house
2014.003.2775 The old chicken house
2014.003.2029 Grand Hotel, about 1898
2014.003.2021 Abriel office & people
2014.003.2020 Abriel office & people
2014.003.1767 Skating group in front of Leland
2018.040.47.14 Dedication of War Memorial — Nakusp, BC c 1922
2018.040.47.13 Nakusp War Memorial
2006. Girls’ bagpipe band, Nakusp, 1 July 1961
2006. July 1st Parade 1959
2014.003.1531 Gene, Nakusp Trading Co.
2014.003.1481 Nov. 11th & band, cenotaph, Overwaitea
2014.003.1480 Nov. 11th & band