Documents for Keyword: Schiedel; Isaiah 'Ike'
2014.003.5004 Ladies tea
2014.003.4251 Schiedels, Harlows, Horsleys
2014.003.4012 Choir at Burton
2014.003.1543 Olsons & Schiedels 1959
2017.021.21 K of P Grand Chiefs Visit
2005.026.43 Pythian Sisters Banquet, K.P. Hall Nakusp.
2000.016.3 K of P Grand Chiefs Visit
2001.037.81 Pythian Sisters Convention, Grand Chief, Nakusp B.C.
2001.037.80 Pythian Sisters, Nakusp, K.P. Hall
2003.026.46 Schiedels’ wedding
2014.003.183 Building barn at Crescent Bay