Documents for Keyword: Jupp; Clifford
2014.003.3147 Cliff Jupp (air force)
2014.003.3112 Bill & Cliff Jupp about 1921, Nakusp
2014.003.2949 Nakusp Elementary, fall 1927
2000.016.10 Picnic at Brouse
2000.016.1 Nellie, Mona Lamerton, et al.
2014.003.607 Mary Kirk 1st class
2014.003.601 Nakusp School, 1927, June
2014.003.382 Nakusp, grade 1-2-3, June 1929
993.015.2 Cecil Gower with daughter Muriel, with Percy & Elsie Jupp (nee Gower) & son Clifford, about 1922
993.015.1 Clifford Jupp about 1923