Documents for Keyword: Highway 31
2022.024.002.2 Junction of Highway 31 and Hill Creek Road
2022.024.002.1 Junction of Highway 23 and Highway 31
2014.003.7753 Hladinec Station
2014.003.7655 Marlow house (Trout Lake station)
2014.003.7409 Archie Greenlaw clearing slide, 1953
2014.003.7391 Trout Lake Esso Service
2014.003.7366 Old T.L. Road 1941, Mr. Marlow & boys near Polman’s
2014.003.6205 Eddie Marlow, 1969
2018.032.251 Aerial view, Gerrard, 1971
2018.032.250 Aerial view, Gerrard, 1971
2016.003.207.26 Trout Lk Road to Beaton 1981 C58-A-28
2016.003.207.18 Kootenay Lk. 1981 C58-A-19
2016.003.207.17 Kaslo 1981 C58-A-18
2016.003.60 Trout Lk. 1981
574 Pathway to the Trout Lake Cemetery
2014.003.2600 Beaton School 1/2 up the long hill
2014.003.2599 Beaton School to Trout Lk.
2014.003.2598 Beaton School, top of hill, weigh scales
2017.007.1.85 Kootenay Lake, North Arm