Documents for Keyword: Dunn; Art
2018.041.40 The Dunn Tribe
2014.003.6004 Art Dunn
2014.003.6003 54th in front of Small Hall, Nakusp
2014.003.5903 Camp Vernon, Art Dunn, 54th group
2014.003.5081 Ralph McPhee wedding
2014.003.3580 Bell Pole, Nakusp, 1940s, George Johnson, Art Dunn
2014.003.1137 “Nakusp Boys”, (serving with) 54th Ky. Batt. C.E.F. (Vernon B.C. 1915)
989.024.8 Bette Dunn’s
978.23.2 “Nakusp Boys.” (serving with) 54th Ky. Batt. C.E.F. (Vernon, B.C. 1915)
2001.037.291 Nakusp men 54th Batt.
2014.003.252 Art Dunn, Jack Hopkins, old truck
2014.003.203 54th Battalion, Art Dunn
2014.003.65 54th Battalion with tents