Documents for Keyword: cenotaph
2016.013.4.14 First service at the cenotaph in “old” Edgewood
2016.013.4.4 The monument in the old town – early 1920s.
2016.013.1.53 Looking south east, old Edgewood
2014.026.105 Cenotaph in intersection, Edgewood, August-September 1966
2014.026.61 Edgewood looking toward Lower Arrow Lake, May 1966
2014.026.60 Cenotaph in intersection, Edgewood, May 1966
2016.005.132 Memorial at Edgewood before lake was raised
2000.012.11 B.C. Hydro, Edgewood cenotaph
2000.012.10 Edgewood
2000.012.9 Edgewood cenotaph
2000.012.8 Edgewood cenotaph
2000.012.7 Edgewood cenotaph
2000.012.6 Edgewood cenotaph
2000.012.5 Edgewood cenotaph
2000.012.4 Edgewood cenotaph
2014.036.103 July 1, 1963
2014.036.101 July 1, 1963
2014.036.95 Slocan Ave., Nakusp
2014.036.94 Slocan Ave., Nakusp
2014.036.92 Significant of the change