Documents for Keyword: 1950s
2020.007.3.12 July 1st, Diamond Jubilee 1952, Ken Spiers & Mrs. Hurry, Nakusp B.C.
2020.007.3.11 1953
2020.007.3.10 1953
2020.007.3.9 Diamond Jubilee 1952, Queens
2020.007.3.8 Diamond Jubilee 1952, Queens
2020.007.3.4 Myself, Nakusp, B.C.
2019.014.3 Area planted, 1945 burn on back side of Saddle Mountain, West of Nakusp.
2019.014.2 May 1957, first seedling planted by Celgar.
2019.014.1 3200 wild seedlings dug up at Taite Creek – Len Timons, Fred Waldie, Jack MacKinnon.
2019.011.1.51 D4 Cat caught in soft spot at shore-line while pushing over piling, etc. of old wharf.
2019.011.1.48 Gravel fill inside R.C. cantilever retaining wall.
2019.011.1.47 Foreman—Nick Oglow atop wall forms
2019.011.1.46 Westward end of footing work
2019.011.1.45 Ramp on inside of forms for pouring with power buggy
2019.011.1.44 Before removal of old wharf & cribbing.
2019.011.1.43 Wall Forms Near Completion