Documents for Donor: Doreen Desrochers
2006. Most delicious!
2006. The Viking Ship made its maiden voyage to Nelson Convention 1959, Winning 1st prize.
2006. Kinette Club of Nakusp, 1 July 1961
2006. Kinette Club of Nakusp, 1 July 1961
2006. Girls’ bagpipe band, Nakusp, 1 July 1961
2006. Girls’ bagpipe band, Nakusp, 1 July 1961
2006. Rene Fowle Nov 24/61
2006. Kinette Club of Nakusp, 1 July 1961
2006.011.30.19 February, 1961, Two more new Kinettes
2006.011.30.14 Initiation Party
2006. Yours truly really boo bood on this one too many glasses of punch!
2006. Pancake Breakfast served to Kinsmen by Kinettes
2006. Kin chefs Bob Smith, Matt Maja, Jack Davies and Peg Fellows
2006. July 1st Float
2006. Kinsmen Float
2006. Muriel Kosmynka joined our midst for our first meeting of the year.