Documents for Location: Saskatoon (Saskatchewan)
2014.003.1886 Emil in service, Saskatoon, 1945
2018.032.434 Steam Driven vehicle Museum on Southern Trans Canada Highway Sept/66
2018.032.433 Stage coach
2018.032.432 Some old Tractors which open up the west
2018.032.431 Plows pulled by Cock of the North Sept/66
2018.032.430 Old Tractor still in good working order.
2018.032.429 Old mud (sod) house of pioneers. Sept/66
2018.032.428 Old motor Saskatoon Museum
2018.032.427 old machinery in Museum
2018.032.426 Old Locomotive Saskatoon Museum Sept/66
2018.032.425 Old Combines
2018.032.424 Cock of the North Saskatoon Museum Sept/66