Documents for Location: Galena Bay
2023.027.009.092 Horses hauling a beam in the snow
2023.027.009.089 Nelson family home
2023.027.009.087 John Nelson Jr
2023.027.009.072 Winter view on Nelson farm
2023.027.009.070 Wes Shaw and puppy in winter
2023.027.009.066 John Jr, Walt, Mrs Langille and Vera
2023.027.009.064 Working on Dedosenco’s big bridge
2023.027.009.063 Mrs. Antillov of Galena Bay
2023.027.009.061 McKenzie Creek ranch
2023.027.009.060 Walter Nelson and Rachel Jeffery
2023.027.009.059 Agnes Nelson, Walter S. Nelson and William M. Jeffery
2023.027.009.058 Walter Nelson and his horse Sandy hauling logs
2023.027.009.050 Peter, Albert, Walt and Ann in a boat near Galena Bay
2023.027.009.048 Nelson family on New Year’s Day.
2023.027.009.047 Walter S. Nelson & Agnes Nelson going to vote
2023.027.009.045 View from E. Hoff’s mine
2023.027.009.043 Peterson’s launch and floating cabin
2023.027.009.040 John Bland’s wedding group
2023.027.009.035 Walter S. Nelson at Hobb’s mining claim
2023.027.009.034 John Jr. Margaret and Debbie Nelson