Documents for Location: Edgewood
2016.005.422 At Beeston Lodge Taken Summer 1939
2016.005.421 Edgewood Reunion
2016.005.420 Edgewood Reunion
2016.005.419 Edgewood School concert.
2016.005.418 Coronation day, Cor. of 2 E. Original Edgewood, Smiths house across
2016.005.417 Plane at old Edgewood wharf
2016.005.412 Dancing the may pole, Edgewood Coronation day 53
2016.005.409 Hazel Haggart on porch at Forestry Residence
2016.005.408 The Rev E G White, Mrs Vrooman, Mrs White, Mrs Smith (mother of Richard Smith)
2016.005.407 Centennial of B.C. in Edgewood service
2016.005.406 Bernard W. Ford
2016.005.405 Dedication of Edgewood cenotaph, October 1967
2016.005.404 Dedication of Edgewood cenotaph, October 1967
2016.005.401 Madge Colegrave Cameron
2016.005.400 The Rev V Bruce H Pellegrin Padre of Canadian Legion Branch Edgewood at dedication of a memorial clock in Legion hall, E.
2016.005.399 Opening of New Red Cross Outpost Hospital
2016.005.398 Flowers at Edgewood Fair (Flower show)
2016.005.397 Coronation celebration 1953, Connie Park (Spence) as queen
2016.005.396 W.D. Jowett, Lay Reader conducting Armistice Day service, Edgewood
2016.005.393 Pop Kirkman, et al.