Documents for Location: Burton
2017.008.11 Leu home 1972
2017.008.9 Burton 1960
2017.008.8 Burton 1960
2017.008.7 Burton Winter 1960
2017.008.6 Old Burton Hwy 1962
2017.008.5 Burton Winter 1960
2017.008.4 Burton Winter 1960
2017.008.3 Lily Grimmett house, flood of 1967
2017.008.2 Upper Burton 1960
2017.008.1 Burton Winter 1960
2014.003.2333 S.S. Minto, Narrows, 1950s
2014.003.2330 Minto
2014.003.1093 Elco II
2014.003.1080 Gov. dredge Nakusp near Burton, about 1909
2014.003.923 Mrs. Robson Sr. & Katie
2014.018.727 Stone Fire, 1985
2014.018.726 Stone Fire, 1985
2014.018.725 Stone Fire, 1985
2014.018.724 Vehicles were taken through the fire zone by convoy
2014.018.723 Stone Fire, 1985