Documents for Location: Burton
2017.007.1.28 New Burton, B.C. 1969
2017.007.1.27 Old and New Burton with Arrow Lake, B.C.
2017.007.1.26 1964
2017.007.1.25 1969
2017.007.1.24 Old Burton and Lower Arrow Lake 1964
2017.007.1.23 Along the Arrow Lake (Burton, B.C.)
2017.007.1.22 14.VII.71 Arrow Lake, Burton, B.C.
2017.007.1.21 Columbia River upstream from Burton, B.C., Canada 26.XII.59
2017.007.1.20 Columbia River at Burton
2017.007.1.18 United Church, Burton, B.C.
2017.007.1.16 Arrow Lake at Burton
2017.008.21 Old Burton 1962
2017.008.20 Mr. Rankin, summer 1968, Caribou Creek Burton
2017.008.19 Columbia River (downstream) Burton in far background.
2017.008.18 Burton 1968
2017.008.17 Snow Creek headwaters 1973
2017.008.16 New Burton 1970
2017.008.15 New Burton 1970
2017.008.14 Old Burton 1968
2017.008.12 McCormack Flats 1978