Documents for Location: Arrowhead
2014.003.6883 Arton mill, highwater
2014.003.6882 Wesley Costello (Arton)
2014.003.6881 Arton mill, carriage
2014.003.6880 Arton mill, headsaw edger
2014.003.6879 Building Arton mill, Arrowhead
2014.003.6878 Mickey Burianik, forklift
2014.003.6877 Arton mill, Arrowhead, 1950s
2014.003.6876 Capt. McKillop with his boat at Arrowhead, 1912
2014.003.6875 Last run of Minto, Arrowhead
2014.003.6874 Last run of Minto, Arrowhead
2014.003.6857 Barney Evans, Laina Aho
2014.003.6856 Aho car, Arrowhead
2014.003.6855 SS Beaton at Arrowhead
2014.003.6854 Arrowhead, repairing track, 1950s
2014.003.6853 Howieson’s, 1942, Elmer Aho
2014.003.6852 Turntable at Arrowhead
2014.003.6850 Dennis Aho cutting ties
2014.003.6835 Arrowhead-Revelstoke bus, Austin Bailey
2014.003.6824 Bell helicopter, used to drop men & supplies