Documents for Keyword: wharf construction
2019.011.1.8 Pile driver at the end of old wharf, Dec. 1955
2019.011.1.7 Dec. 3/55—Building the “Leads” for the Robson East Wharf Contract
2019.011.1.6 Dec. ’55 (Skids of Pile Driver)
2019.011.1.5 Dec. ’55 (Top of Leads 35′ high)
2019.011.1.4 Bottom Leads Being Built, Dec. 1955.
2019.011.1.3 Pile Driver Being Built, Nov. 1955
2014.003.7828 Building Needles ferry ramp
2014.003.7827 Building Needles ferry ramp
2014.003.7826 Building Needles ferry ramp
2014.003.7825 Building Needles ferry ramp
2014.003.6129 SS Minto, Arrowhead, April 24th 1954
2014.003.5694 Rebuilding Gov. Wharf, Nakusp
2014.003.5087 Installing Arrow Park ferry ramp, 1950
2014.003.5064 Building W. Arrow Park wharf, 1952
2014.003.5063 Building W. Arrow Park wharf, 1952
2014.003.5045 Arrowhead wharf (Last trip of Minto, 1954)
2014.003.4815 The E. Arrow Park Floating Wharf.