Documents for Keyword: The Narrows
970.32.9.10 Dingo Townsend guarding the Lunch
970.32.9.8 Towing dredger, Arrow Lakes
970.32.9.4 The May Kiddies 1913
2014.003.1996 Burton wharf, 1920s
2014.003.1995 Const. Burton wharf, 1932
2014.003.1991 Burton city
2014.003.1944 New Burton wharf
2014.003.1943 Burton wharf
2018.048.4 Arrow Park ferry, ca. 1970s
2015.004.50 Old Arrow Park
2014.003.1513 Deck of boat
2016.003.233 C124-4 Demars area, south of Nakusp on the Arrow Lakes.
2014.003.1349 House at Narrows
2017.025.1.20 First day! (looking toward Arrow Lakes)
2016.005.446 Carroll’s Landing
2016.005.243 Allan 1960