Documents for Keyword: sternwheelers
970.32.9.24 Boathouse wrecked by Big Steamer
970.32.9.17 Boathouse wrecked by Steamer
970.32.9.14 Steamer Bonnington with Duke & Duchess of Connaught on board passing West Demars
970.32.9.8 Towing dredger, Arrow Lakes
970.32.1.86 Mrs. Tuff & Elsie on Steamer 1913
2014.003.2089 S.S. Slocan at Rosebery
2014.003.2073 S.S. Slocan
2014.003.2064 Group on front of sternwheeler
2014.003.2060 CPR wharf, Minto, mill
2014.003.2039 Visit by Duke of Devonshire, 1919, CPR wharf, Nakusp
2014.003.2038 Visit by Duke of Devonshire, 1919, CPR wharf, Nakusp
2014.003.2017 Rebuilding Rossland, 1909
2014.003.1954 Nakusp 1908
2014.003.1918 S.S. Kootenay
2014.003.1913 Burning Minto, Aug 1-68, Gal. Bay
2014.003.1912 Burning Minto, Aug 1-68, Gal. Bay
2014.003.1895 Visit of Duke of Devonshire, 1919, with Lady Cavendish, C.P.R. wharf, Nakusp
2014.003.1858 Otto Estabrooks, 44-45?, Minto, Arrowhead
2014.003.1857 S.S. Sicamous
2014.003.1856 Capt. Dan MacFarlane & Bill Triggs, S.S. Sicamous