Documents for Keyword: Staubert Lake
2014.003.7378 Peak house, bought from Andrews, Staubert Lake
2014.003.6827 Mrs. Bill Bailey, Minnie Marlow’s house
2017.003.3.48 Staubert Lake 1986
2017.003.3.46 More pictures from the road to Trout Lake.
2017.003.3.4 Winter 1982
210 The old Marlow house, Trout Lake
2017.003.2.27 109104-2 (Alan Marlow & Clearcut! Nov 1/90)
2014.026.639 Staubert Lake, air, October 1974
2014.026.638 Marshland near Armstrong Lake, air, October 1974
2014.026.480 Staubert Lake, July 1976
2014.026.479 Staubert Lake, July 1976