Documents for Keyword: St. Andrew's United Church (Burton)
2017.025.1.24 Starting to excavate for basement
2017.025.1.23 Full Gospel Church and Community Hall (in background) also Bud Philcox machine
2017.025.1.22 John Budd working on forms for footings of basement walls
2017.025.1.21 Church lot location
2017.025.1.20 First day! (looking toward Arrow Lakes)
2017.025.1.19 Putting on metal roofing
2017.025.1.18 Putting on metal roofing
2017.025.1.17 Putting on the strapping
2017.025.1.16 Putting on the strapping
2017.025.1.15 Trusses, St. Andrew’s United Church, Burton, 1984
2017.025.1.14 Don Stredulinsky, Norm Kibblewhite, Bill Jeffery, Ben Klingspon notching the tresses
2017.025.1.13 Tea Time!
2017.025.1.12 Trusses, St. Andrew’s United Church, Burton, 1984
2017.025.1.11 Rafters going up. Very hot weather
2017.025.1.10 Rafters going up. Very hot weather
2017.025.1.9 Studding up!
2017.025.1.8 Basement poured & pony-wall up
2017.025.1.7 Ground all staked out for new church
2017.025.1.6 Lily Grimmett in front of church – first day of digging basement for new United Church, June 19, 1984.
2017.025.1.5 John Budd, Ben Klingspon, Clark Marshall