Documents for Keyword: SS Minto
2007.010.19.2 Robson West
2007.010.7 Dining room, steamer Minto
2007.010.5 Minto, Nakusp
2007.010.3 Robson West
2003.024.13 Arrow Lakes steamers at Nakusp, S.S. Bonnington, S.S. Minto
2003.024.12 S.S. Bonnington & Minto tied up at Nakusp
2003.024.11 Bonnington & Minto, Nakusp
2003.024.9 S.S. Minto
2003.024.8 S.S. Minto
2003.024.7 S.S. Minto
2003.024.6 S.S. Minto
2003.024.4 The arrival of the steamer at Nakusp
2003.024.3 S.S. Minto
2003.024.2 Lake scene, Saddle Mt. in center
2003.024.1 Saddle Mtn. & S.S. Minto
1997.002.25 S.S. Rossland, S.S. Minto and S.S. Kootenay, tied up at the wharf at Nakusp, B.C.
1997.002.2A.3 Rossland, Bonnington, Minto at Arrowhead