Documents for Keyword: sawmill
2023.027.009.131 Crew at lumberyard
2023.027.009.042 Sawmill at Comaplix
2023.009.011 Above Hi-Arrow Dam. This region will be under. June-’68.
2023.009.010 Below Hi-Arrow Dam. Raining! May-’68.
2023.009.009 Above Hi-Arrow Dam. Raining! May-’68.
2023.009.008 Maybe about 10 Mi. N.W. of Hi-Arrow Dam. Nov.,-’67
A46 Mayor Stan Fellows presented a videotape
2022.009.5.49 Robins sawmill
2022.009.5.48 Robins sawmill
2022.009.2.19 South to pulp mill
2022.009.2.18 Sawmill
2022.009.2.17 Pulp & sawmill
2022.009.2.16 Arrow Dam, pulp & sawmill
2022.009.2.15 Pulp Mill, Arrow Dam
2020.007.6.12 Clearing Big Bend mill site, Nakusp, 1967
2020. Big Bend log booms, Nakusp
2020. Worker in Big Bend Lumber yard, Nakusp
2020. Worker in Big Bend Lumber yard, Nakusp
2020. Worker in Big Bend Lumber yard, Nakusp
2020. Big Bend mill, Nakusp