Documents for Keyword: Saddle Mountain
2003.016.2 Forestry Plane Nakusp 1927, Boat Non Pareil
2003.011.7 S.S. Minto at Nakusp, B.C.
2003.011.6 Lake Scene, Nakusp, B.C.
2003.011.3 Nakusp, B.C.
2001.037.176 Moon light picture.
2001.037.168 Old Gov. Hill Road Nakusp
2001.037.161 Canadian Pacific station, Nakusp, mid-20th century
2001.037.103 Nak. School 1940s
1999.019.1689 Spicer
1999.019.1654 Steam on the field, Saddle , May 10 – 65.
2000.061.9 Moon light night, Winter 1950.
2000.061.3 Upper Arrow Lake and Saddle Mountain from Nakusp
2000.058.47 S.S Beaton, Nakusp, B.C.
2000.058.43 Lake Scene, Nakusp, B.C.
2000.035.60 The Canyon, Nakusp, B.C.
2000.035.53 The Recreation Ground, Nakusp, B.C.
2016.003.67 Nakusp Centennial Golf Course, ca. 1986
2016.003.51 Big Bend Lbr., Nakusp, 1956
2016.003.49 The Kuskanax, Nakusp