Documents for Keyword: Nelson; Walter Scott
2014.003.5420 Walter Nelson, 1936 Ford, Galena Bay farm
2014.003.5393 Walter Nelson raking hay on the Ashburner farm, Galena Bay
2014.003.5149 Walter, Rambler, Henry, Clyde
2014.003.4892 Ernie Hobbs’ mining claim, 1929
2014.003.4890 10:30, May 24th 1945, gravel bar landing, Gal. Bay.
2014.003.4875 Log chute, Galena Bay, 1937
2014.003.4874 Walter Nelson & Tom Mell taking out airplane birch at Galena Bay, 1943
2014.003.4872 Nelsons (Margaret, Agnes, John)
2014.003.4871 Nelsons, horse “Dan”, Galena Bay
2014.003.4869 Walter’s stonebolt
2014.003.4865 Walter’s wood cutting machine
2014.003.4863 Walter Nelson off to St. Louis to get medical help
2014.003.4862 Nelsons & Hinchey
2014.003.4861 Ashburner, Trussler, Nelson
2014.003.4848 Mrs. Nelson coming home with Margaret
2014.003.4847 Pingston Creek
2014.003.4846 Walter Nelson towing logs with old Evinrude motor, Galena Bay, 1930s
2014.003.4845 Adam Hall derelict at Pingston
2014.003.4844 Pingston Creek wharf & mill about 1920