Documents for Keyword: music
2006. Andy – at it again!
2014.003.1481 Nov. 11th & band, cenotaph, Overwaitea
2014.003.1480 Nov. 11th & band
978.44 Hughes Trail 10, Nakusp B.C.
2014.003.1404 Bugle band (John Brown)
2014.003.1357 Eugene Leveque, his house, Comaplix
2014.003.1323 Choir, Opera House, 1951
2014.003.1169 Hamling family with record player
2014.003.1134 Nakusp Bugle Band, Broadway
2014.003.1133 Nakusp Bugle Band, Broadway
2014.003.1132 1950s Nakusp Brass Band
2014.003.1131 Bugle Band in front of Legion Hall, early ’30s
2014.003.1130 Nakusp Band, 1957, hospital, Xmas Eve
2014.003.1129 Nakusp Brass, 1960s, Rec Grounds
2014.003.1128 Nakusp Brass, 1960s, Rec Grounds
2014.003.1127 A.L. Theatre, Nakusp Brass Band, 1958
2014.003.1126 A.L. Theatre, Nakusp Brass Band, 1957
2017.034.166 Jack Esselmont
2017.034.157 Sybil Bailey.