Documents for Keyword: Langille farm (Inonoaklin)
2016.005.231 1954 (Langille’s)
2016.005.229 1954 (Langille’s)
2016.013.10.15 Mr. Langille’s broad axe and ice skates.
2016.013.10.13 Mr. J. Langille, Fire Valley.
2016.005.155 Langille’s Truck, The Family
2015.028.118 Mrs. T. Langille, her first home
2015.028.109 Joshua Langille inside a deck of logs logged for his Box Mill
2015.028.108 Josh Langille and George Hopp standing beside the cedars at Langille’s mill
2016.005.33 Taken down at the old mill on the Langille farm, Edgewood