Documents for Keyword: Kathy Pedersen Park
2018.033.48 Tournament champions, Browns of Kelowna
2018.033.45 Nakusp’s SSP
2018.033.43 Ryan Struck, Nakusp SSP, hits a homer
2018.033.42 Umpire Lesley Trethewey readies for the call at home
2018.033.41 Pedersen Park
2018.033.40 Shannon Huyber of the Brew Jays appears to get one through short
2018.033.39 The Revolution infield on the move
2018.033.38 Justin Mugford of the Cut-Offs from Golden
2018.033.37 Pitcher Justin Mugford of the Cut-Offs from Golden
2018.033.36 Charlie Granewall, 30th season calling the games from the broadcast booth
2018.033.32 Kaitlyn Wethal in a jump for joy on husband Zac after Zac’s dramatic, walkoff homer for SSP’s win over Calgary
2018.033.31 Zac Wethal SSP hits one out
2018.033.30 Kaitlyn Wethal ready to connect
2018.033.28 SSP pitcher Ryan Struck, with wife Sara (behind the fence in the team uniform) looking on
2018.033.25 Terryn Stenseth, Brew Jays, smacks one
2018.033.24 Laine Weighill of the Brew Jays with a fast getaway out of the box
2018.033.21 Brandon Moffat of the Revolution skies one
2018.033.20 Brew Jays first baseman Shea Weighill
2018.033.18 Travis Rebman, SSP, the view from the announcer’s booth
2018.033.17 Sarah Sanders tries for a triple