Documents for Keyword: horse
2016.013.8.17 Topping Lightning Peak, Edgewood, B.C.
2016.013.8.16 Near Lightning Peak, Edgewood, B.C.
2016.013.8.9 Fire Valley Rd
2016.013.6.39 Mennonite family crossing “Barnes” Creek
2016.013.6.31 Emily & Alex Coates.
2016.013.5.25 Rose Wright (nee Williams) on the “Monashee Trail”, Edgewood to Vernon.
2016.013.5.24 Coming through timber, Vernon to Edgewood
2016.013.5.23 Alf. Williams’ pack train, crossing “Deep Creek” – “Nesbitt Boys”.
2016.013.5.22 Molly, Buster, Dot, Wauchope
2016.013.5.21 Wauchope
2016.013.5.13 End of government road in Fire Valley
2016.013.5.10 Agnes Dreier. Road Above Falls. Probably 1909-10.
2016.013.4.27 N. Donselaar – with his prize mare – “Daisy”
2016.013.4.24 A usual sight when things wouldn’t start!
2016.013.2.25 Bernard Ford & H. Fowler, east side of lake.
2016.013.2.23 1938-39
2016.013.2.20 Logging in Fire Valley
2016.013.2.4 Horse logging, Edgewood
2016.013.2.1 Taken at Calder’s camp – 1922-23.
2016.013.1.67 Horse and carriage, Edgewood