Documents for Keyword: horse
2002.006.4.158 Nelson sleighing, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.135 Walter Nelson ploughing snow, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.134 John Nelson farming, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.133 Loading hay, Nelson farm, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.132 Walter Nelson farming, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.128 Walter & John Nelson horse logging, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.127 Nelsons horse logging, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.126 Nelsons horse logging, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.124 Nelsons horse logging, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.121 Horse logging, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.88 Walter Nelson, horses
2002.006.4.78 Horse logging, Galena Bay
2002.006.4.77 Log sorting, Galena Bay, Upper Arrow Lake
2002.006.4.75 Walter Nelson, horses
2002.006.4.58 Horse and cart, Galena Bay
File0013 (Jasper F. Browning at his farm in Glenbank)
File0010 (Logging 1930s)
File0008 (Man on right Jack Browning of Ricinus AB)