Documents for Keyword: forestry
2014.003.4146 Harris camp, F. Boyd skidding
2014.003.4145 Jammer, Jack Harris, 1948
2014.003.4144 Harris camp, F. Boyd, “Colonel” worked for Jack from 1941-1955
2014.003.4143 Harris camp, 1950, The “Colonel” F. Boyd.
2014.003.4142 Harris camp, hemlock logs, 3 ton truck, F. Boyd and Jack
2014.003.4141 Jack Harris logging, Deep Creek, Galena Bay, 1944-45, white pine. 2 logs 12′ long, scaled 2410 b.f.
2014.003.4140 Harris camp, Galena Bay, 1944-45
2014.003.4139 Harris camp, Galena Bay, winter 1944-45
2014.003.4138 Harris cookhouse, 1945, Galena Bay
2014.003.4136 Top decking 1936-37
2014.003.4131 Schaeffer Hitchcock fire, Nakusp, 1933
2014.003.4077 River drive, Mosquito Creek
2014.003.4024 B.J. Carney poleyard, 1951
2014.003.3994 Unloading Poles, Coates Camp, Edgewood, B.C.
2014.003.3961 Pole cars, June 1948, Arrowhead
2014.003.3948 Sidmouth, Bill Mackey truck, 1952
2014.003.3883 Rev. Phillimore’s boat Victory, Leary floating camp, Arrow Lakes
2014.003.3805 Trout Lake. Logs for Gerrard Lumber, 1920s
2014.003.3772 Calder Soules hauling poles from Camborne, 1937
2014.003.3763 Calder Soules, Beaton area, about 1950s