Documents for Keyword: Forest Mills/Dominion Sawmills
2014.003.1360 Kids dressed in front of mill, Comaplix 1910
2005.026.61 Comaplix BC
2005.026.53 Mill at Comaplix 1909
2005.026.50 Comaplix’s store 1910
2005.026.49 Lumber yard, Comaplix
2000.035.35 Comaplix
2000.035.34 Comaplix
2001.037.379 Mr. Stanhope
2001.037.341 Comaplix
2001.037.10 Geo. F. Piper out of Comaplix mill
2014.003.96 Steam engine, Comaplix mill
2014.003.90 Men – planer mill, Comaplix
2014.003.7196 Comaplix Sawmill L. Parent. 1973
2014.003.7190 Comaplix Sawmill 1973
2014.003.7192 Comaplix Sawmill 1971 L. Parent