Documents for Keyword: Ford; Bernard
2024.21.21 Fords and friend
2024.21.19 Bernie Ford graduating
2024.21.18 Bernie Ford
2024.21.17 Portrait of Bernie Ford
2024.21.15 Bernard, Nancy and friends
2014.003.7119 Waldie’s Boat, Scaler, 1937
2014.003.7117 Hey Hay. Ford’s Ranch. Rancho Forde
2014.003.7116 Elco, Applegrove B.C. 1936
2014.003.1935 Elco & hay
2016.005.406 Bernard W. Ford
2016.013.5.59 The “Switch-Back” – 1925.
2016.013.2.25 Bernard Ford & H. Fowler, east side of lake.
2016.013.2.24 Bernard Ford
2016.013.2.23 1938-39
2016.013.2.22 April 1940 Spring Fever.