Documents for Keyword: farms
2014.003.3194 Alpha Ranch
2014.003.3185 Bill Clease & delivery, Shakespeare Ave.
2014.003.3184 Group, Glenbank Ranch
2014.003.3173 First house on Home Ranch, Tom Abriel
2014.003.3168 Rice cottage
2014.003.3165 Fred Rice & Tom Abriel clearing the first owned ranch at Glenbank, “Alpha Ranch”, later owned by Mr. & Mrs. E.C. Johnson
2014.003.3164 Machine for raising animals after slaughter
2014.003.3163 Ernest William Bill, May Bill, Glenbank
2014.003.3154 Ernie Johnson & Dave
2014.003.3127 Jean & Don Elder, Eros kids
2014.003.3018 Walter’s horses, 1927, 1600 lbs each
2014.003.3007 Box Lake Nakusp, BC
2014.003.2915 Ev & Bet Davison with Baileys feeding pigs at Gregorys’
2014.003.2867 Harrison house, Arrow Park
2014.003.2866 Harrison farm, Arrow Park
2014.003.2846 Chris with furs
2014.003.2845 Chris with cougars trapped & shot near Wilson Lake
2014.003.2844 Chris Hamling, grizz he shot, about 14 years old
2014.003.2843 Truck & hay, Chris Hamling Jr., Box Lake