Documents for Keyword: dog
2016.013.6.29 Emily & Alex Coates.
2016.013.3.7 O’Reilly home, owned later by Walter Jowett
2016.013.3.3 Background is “Sherwood” – early years.
2016.013.2.24 Bernard Ford
2006.010.22 Phyllis Davidson & Frances Padgett
1998.003.5 Left to right, Tom Reed, Phyllis Reed, Archive Oakey of “Cambourne”
1997.020.1 Sylvester & Rosie Decker who moved from Sask to Nakusp
2015.028.92 Edith Old & Busty 1925
2015.028.90 Edith Flick
2015.028.9 Walter Reid
2016.005.159 Sandy Porteous & dogs
2016.005.156 Mike Porteous
2016.005.154 Alec Coates
2016.005.151 Rusty & Percy Evans
2016.005.144 Mike Porteous
2016.005.143 Ethel Porteous
2016.005.99 Liz Spence, Ernie Johnson, Jackie Spence
2016.016.9 Aug. 1966 Allard’s House, Pal in front.
2000.006.8 Mr. Gus Sandham, Mr. Henry at Arrowhead