Documents for Keyword: canoe
2024.21.24 Naomi Naylar
2024.21.1 Canoeing the Arrow Lakes
2014.003.812 Lake Indians (proof)
2023.006.005 Man in canoe, Arrow Lakes, ca. early 20th century
NDM099 Yr 2001
NDM097 2001
NDM096 2001
NDM090 Sturgeon-nosed canoe
NDM089b Sturgeon-nosed canoe
NDM089a Sturgeon-nosed canoe
2022.020.59 Mr. Fred L. Lade, Beaton BC.
2022.009.2.42 Parade
2014.003.7459 May Langille (her canoe), Doris Wintersteen, Halcyon, late ’20s
2014.003.6098 Chris Bird
2014.003.6035 Probably Mrs. Ewings vacation from Vernon, Wilkie Creek
2014.003.5997 54th departure, Nakusp
2014.003.5226 Boating at Edgewood, B.C, Nov. 2nd 1913
2014.003.2831 Hamlings at Wilson Lake, 1923
2014.003.2044 Canoe with Mr. Durkin
2014.003.1580 Indians of the Columbia River