Documents for Keyword: 1990s
2005.012.4 March 1999 on Arrow Park Back road By the old Kenedy, Haw place by Stobo Crick.
2005.012.3 April 1998 – Part of Elk herd at Carl Happls walnut farm
2005.012.2 April 1996 Old site of Missquito Crick bridge on Columbia River Narrow looking up Misqitoes Crick Vally, West of Saddle Mountain
2005.012.1 1996 May Stobo hi water log dump at Missquito Crick looking up the Columbia River Narrow to Demars and Slewiskin Crick
2014.048.58 Christmas Supper for Seniors, North Okanagan-Shuswap District
2014.048.56 Members dressed up for 70th Anniversary
2014.048.55 International Year of the Family Wallhanging and 50th Anniversary Wallhanging
2014.048.54 1992 Women’s Institute float for Edgewood Homecoming (100 years)
2014.048.52 Edgewood Inonoaklin Women’s Institute Member Rachel Eckert Running Children’s Races at Edgewood Fun Days
2014.048.51 Edgewood Inonoaklin Women’s Institute Edgewood Fun Days Parade
2014.048.47 Chelsea Mighton
2014.048.46 Sarah Stykel
2014.048.45 Sarah Smith
2014.048.44 Adeline Jackson, Diane Boyd
2014.048.43 Justin Ferguson
2014.048.42 Kyle Haggart
2014.048.41 Brendan Settle
2014.048.40 Sarah Smith et al.
2014.048.39 Brendan Settle et al.
2014.048.38 Banjo Allen at WI Seniors Potluck