Documents for Keyword: 1980s
A53 Mayor and wife Hazel
A52 Mayor Stan Fellows congratulating members on the work they have done in the museum
A51 Grace Hakeman, Della Parent
A50 Bobbi and Ted Dodge
A49 Brenda and Harry Mayson, hard workers for the museum.
A47 Marvel Milne, Bernie Foard
A46 Mayor Stan Fellows presented a videotape
A44 Friends of the Museum Plaque
A43 Pete Coates welding the smoke stack to the support
A42 Milton Parent was commissioned by the Chamber of Commerce
A40 Milton Parent playing ‘The Last Post’
A39 Johnny Millar, former engineer on the Minto, in ceremony bringing the whistle back to Nakusp from Castlegar.
A38 Rick Forgaard
A37 Returning the Minto whistle
A36 Returning the Minto whistle
A35 Returning the Minto whistle
A34 Returning the Minto whistle
A33 Returning the Minto whistle