Documents for Keyword: 1950s
2008.012.70 July 1st, Nakusp.
2008.012.69 Broadway, Nakusp
2008.012.68 Broadway Nakusp, Special presentation
2003.026.363 July 1 1952
2003.026.210 at Nakusp, Gene Leveque’s replica of the boat S.S. Nelson
2000.056.1 “Official Keepsake” The Gates of St. Leon, St. Leon, B.C.
2000.019.8 Shrine at Halcyon
2000.009.15 Halcyon Hot Springs
2006.019.4.2 Kee-Tow
2020.007.6.74 Nakusp Badminton Club, ca. February 1956
2020.007.6.68 Irene, Rosemarie Portelance, Bea, Myself & Irene 1953
2020.007.6.67 Terrie Uyeda, Pine Lodge
2020.007.6.66 Nakusp Jubilee 1952
2020.007.6.65 Nakusp Jubilee 1952
2020.007.6.3 1957
2020.007.6.2 Nov 11th 1952 New Denver B.C.
2020. Nakusp Hot Springs
2020. June/59, Marg Hill, Ollie Coates, Keith Gilmour